Current Volunteer Program

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Campo Amigo

Campo Amigo - Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
July 6 - 23, 2024

Volunteers collaborate with AYUDA’s partner organization Aprendiendo a Vivir (AAV), a local diabetes organization based in Santo Domingo. Led by AYUDA staff, volunteers work closely with AAV staff, local endocrinologists, and Dominican youth leaders to plan and implement community education initiatives, day-long diabetes outreach projects, and local capacity-building programs that motivate and support people of all ages with diabetes and their families. The team will work together to run the 17th Campo Amigo: a two-weekend diabetes education family program. Volunteers will have the opportunity to learn from Dominicans living with types 1 and 2 diabetes and help provide them with tools that motivate them to live happier, healthier lives.


Previous  Outreach Programs


En El Camino, HAiti, & Ecuador

Learn about AYUDA’s previous programs and community partners. AYUDA’s story began in Quito, Ecuador, growing into our first Campo Amigo program. As AYUDA continued to expand, we were connected with a partner organization in Haiti through one of our volunteers. While these programs no longer run through AYUDA, each community partner continues to run their own diabetes education initiatives.

AYUDA's Approach

AYUDA is a volunteer-based organization structured around five important and interconnected components.

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1. Local Partnerships

AYUDA’s commitment to working with a Local Partner in each country allows us to respond to locally defined needs. We work with the local community to design culturally-appropriate approaches to empowering young people to live happier and healthier lives with diabetes.


2. Leadership Training

Volunteers are at the center of AYUDA’s work. We believe in investing in their professional development and encouraging long-term involvement in our organization. To do this, we provide leadership positions for experienced volunteers to increase volunteer retention and integrate volunteers into the program planning process.


3. Diabetes Outreach

AYUDA volunteers and local youth leaders divide into small groups and travel to various rural and high-need areas in the host country to observe the reality of diabetes in the community, gain information from the diabetes community, and fulfill other objectives as defined by the Local Partner.

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4. Local Projects

AYUDA is dedicated to supporting locally defined diabetes projects that empower young people to live happier and healthier lives with diabetes. Projects include diabetes camps, workshops, parent support groups, and leadership training activities, among others.


5. Program Sustainability

AYUDA believes in producing sustainable programs in the communities we work with abroad. We do this by ensuring that volunteers remain at the center of our organization through volunteer earned income, utilizing in-kind donations of medical supplies for our Local Partners, and creating partnerships and linkages with organizations and companies that promote and sustain our programs.