Document Library
Here, you will find a list of documents ranging from info about AYUDA, fundraising help, travel info (for VTP Summit and in-country programs), Spanish resources, diabetes knowledge, and more! Utilize these resources to help you along your journey with AYUDA.
AYUDA 2025 Core Competencies - what is expected from you as a volunteer
Summary of AYUDA - the AYUDA basics
AYUDA Education and Empowerment - more about AYUDA’s youth empowerment model and the cost of diabetes
AYUDA 2025 Volunteer Training Program Semester Syllabus (coming soon)
Activity/Lesson Planning Template - practice putting together an effective lesson plan in preparation for your groups in country
Travel Information
AYUDA 2025 Volunteer Training Program Summit Overview & Schedule - prepare for the VTP Summit (subject to changes)
Dominican Republic Travel Overview - prepare for your in-country program
Dominican Republic Packing List - what to bring (and not to bring) to the DR!
AYUDA Volunteer Look Book - what to wear and what not to wear in-country
Health and Wellness Abroad - necessary vaccinations and how to stay healthy in the DR
Fundraising Help
AYUDA 2025 Fundraising Toolkit - fundraising basics and tools to help you along the way, including examples of previous AYUDA volunteer fundraising
SMART Goals and Action Template - make the most of your fundraising planning
Elevator Pitch Template - prep a short and sweet speech to share your work with AYUDA with anyone and everyone at any given time
Email and Letter Templates - write to family, friends, restaurants, businesses, rotary clubs, and other people and entities that can host fundraising events and/or make monetary or in-kind donations to you
AYUDA 2025 Presentation - make a short presentation about AYUDA and what you’ll be doing during Campo Amigo at your fundraising event
Getting Over the Fear of Asking
TED Talk: Emotional Hooks
TED Talk: The Way We Think about Charity is "Dead Wrong”
Tools for Fundraising
Be sure to also utilize the documents under the About AYUDA section when fundraising!
AYUDA Logo - can add to your photos and flyers
AYUDA Printable Donation Form - provide this form to your donors to accompany a mail-in check donation
About AYUDA Card - great to hand out at your events!
Emma Burke's Fundraising Video - previous volunteer video, great info about diabetes in the DR
Sam Wohns' Valentines Day Video - previous volunteer video, awesome resource to learn about diabetes and how it affects your body
Peninah Benjamin’s Campo 2017 Video - previous volunteer video of 2017 Camp Amigo program
The Story of Ashoka - learn more about our partner in social entrepreneurship
DR Information
A Guide to the DR - get to know the country where you’ll be spending your summer
Aprendiendo a Vivir - learn about our Dominican partner organization!
Diabetes in the Dominican Republic - an interview with AAV’s founder, Jose Lopez
Empathy vs. Sympathy - this is very important to keep in mind in country
Suggested Reading Material - learn about the DR and its culture through fiction and non-fiction literature, as well as other media
Spanish Training
Duolingo - free app for language learning. Great to brush up on Spanish or learn the basics
Dreaming Spanish - a YouTube channel where you can listen to stories in Spanish based on your knowledge level
Babbel - awesome website/app to teach Spanish from scratch or improve existing knowledge
Dominicanisms - some Dominican slang terms/phrases you are likely to hear in country!
Quick-reference Diabetes Terms in Spanish - the scripts and vocab for checking blood sugar and injecting insulin
AYUDA English to Spanish Diabetes Glossary - helpful vocab and phrases to know before coming in country
Diabetes Knowledge
Diabetes and Empowerment: A Role for Youth
Beyond Type 1 - has a lot of great info and graphics about type 1 and type 2
The Family Approach to Diabetes Management
Access to Medicine vs Access to Treatment
Improving Access to Insulin: What can be Done?
The Prickly Problem with Insulin
Being an Advocate for Diabetes (coming soon!)